Wordmind Anagrams

Wordmind Anagrams
It's here. It's FREE!. Get it now!

Ever got stuck with a crossword clue?

Need a bit of help playing that word game?

Need to unscramble a fiendish word puzzle?

Wondering if there are any humorous anagrams of your boss or a friend's name?

Bored on a train journey and want to pass a few moments finding anagrams of the station names?


Wordmind Anagrams is a free, powerful, simple to use anagram solver and word lookup application. Designed to be fast even on older devices, this application packs a lot of functionality into a small download.

Easy To Use

The clean, modern user interface is simple to learn.

Powerful results filtering

Quickly find specific results by filtering by text and word lengths.

Powerful search options

Enter some letters and find single or multiple word anagrams. Use the search options to customise your results.

Free, free, free!

Did we mention that it's free?

Frequently asked questions

What is the longest anagram that can be generated?

Wordmind Anagrams features a powerful anagram generation engine that can generate anagrams up to 17 letters in length

Can Wordmind Anagrams help me solve crossword puzzles?

Yes, Wordmind Anagrams features a powerful word lookup feature that offers wildcard searching. For example, imagine you are trying to find 6 letter words starting C and ending LE for the clue: A fortified home. Use Wordmind Anagram's Word Lookup screen and enter the text: C???LE. The results might just give you inspiration ...


Wordmind Anagrams features a clean, modern and simple to use user interface. Access to application options via the side menu are just a finger tap away ...

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